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Privacy Policy

Anybox Ltd values our users’ privacy. We believe the best way to protect your privacy is to collect none of your privacy. When we have to, we will ask for your permission instead of collecting it without your notice.


We do not collect data for advertising and have no plans to display advertisements in our apps for all of our users.

Diagnostics & Analytics

Crash reports will be uploaded to our third-party partner Sentry. We use these data to improve the stability of our apps. They are anonymously collected and will not be shared with any other third-party organizations. Find more information about Sentry.

Third-Party Partners

If you download app from App Store, the app’s In-App Purchase is build upon RevenueCat, which collects purchase history with an anonymous user identifier only when you choose to purchase. This identifier is only used to identify your purchase history. Find more information about RevenueCat.

If you download app directly in our website, the app’s In-App checkout feature are build upon Paddle, which collects your name and Email address only when you choose to purchase the license. Paddle shares the information with Anybox Ltd so that we can further provide services regarding license activation. We do not share this information with any third-party organizations. Find more information about Paddle.


We may change our privacy policy sporadically. The page reflects our latest changes.

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding our Privacy Policy or our apps, feel free to contact us.

Last updated: July 17, 2023