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URL Schemes

Browser Deputy offers some URL Schemes to accommodate common usages. They are supposed to be added to search commands.

For example, you can add a search command with the template set to bd://settings, which can be invoked to show Settings of Browser Deputy.


Show Settings of Browser Deputy.


Toggle bookmarks of Browser Deputy.


Toggle menu items of Browser Deputy.


Open link in other apps.

Browser Deputy comes with some preset search commands, one of which is “Open link in Safari”, which is built with this URL Scheme.

Open link in Safari

You can put every bundle identifier that supports opening URLs in the URL Scheme.

Some of the bundle identifiers of common browsers are:

  • Google Chrome:
  • Safari:
  • Microsoft Edge:
  • Brave Browser: com.brave.Browser
  • Firefox: org.mozilla.firefox
  • Arc: company.thebrowser.Browser

If you need other URL Schemes to help with your automation tasks, feel free to contact us.